
Marking: Birthday Cake[3], [4]
Little Age: 10[1]
Status: Active
Residency: NCT, WayV
Relations: Yangyang(friend, band member[2])
Winwin(friend, band member[2])
Lucas(ex-best friend[1], [2])
Nine(younger brother)
Eleven(older brother)
Aliases: 10[2]

Ten NCT (also known as 10) is a member of NCT and specifically WayV. He was once best friends with Lucas before Lucasgate,[1], [2] but has since forgotten about him.[2]


Ten is shown to be a tad more crafty and individualistic than his fellow NCT members. This is best illustrated in his eagerness to begin a new business venture despite the possible backlash from Daddy SM.[2] He is also shown to be very adaptable, having cycled through several different business models before settling on OnlyFans[2]. Despite his persistent attitude, Ten is also quite dim-witted, as he fails to pick up on noticable hints and lacks the ability to take proper precautions as to not get caught.[2] He is also shown to be a habitual gamer, specifically playing League of Legends.[1]


According to Xiaojun, Ten and Lucas were best friends, going as far as to compare them to Sonic and Tails.[1] He theorized this is due to Ten's little age being ten years old, thus allowing him to get along with Lucas, who was only faking being a little and therefore acting older.[1] Being Lucas's best friend, he was the one who was confided in when Lucas cheated on Jungwoo with Taeyong. He was later invited to a threesome with Lucas and Taeyong, which left him with PTSD.[1] Ten believes in Lucas's theory of Taeyong being connected to the NCT Devils.[1]


Upset over his best friend's sentencing to the basement, Ten tried to find a new profession to make money since WayV was currently out of commission. He cycled through several different ventures, all of which failed, until landing on OnlyFans. To protect his identity, he assumed the alias 10 and pretended to be a girl.[2] This proved to be massively successful for him, making him, on average, $500 a month.[2] During this time, he begins to forget Lucas, and even begins believing the propaganda spread by Daddy SM about Lucas.[2] It is when Yangyang walks in on him dressed in his Alice in Wonderland cosplay that he is forced to admit the truth to his fellow WayV member. As it turns out, Yangyang is a huge fan of Ten's work, and wishes he collaborate with Winwin, another WayV member on OnlyFans.[2] Through this collaboration, they decide to form their own musicial band for OnlyFans, called "The Three Screaming Gays".


[1] https://nctwiki.neocities.org/lore/episodes/episode_2#part_three
[2] https://nctwiki.neocities.org/lore/episodes/episode_3
[3] Unconfirmed but assumed.
[4] https://nctwiki.neocities.org/lore/little_cult#markings